Thursday, January 05, 2006

It feels mighty good to me

I worry. A lot. Stupid shit. Not so stupid shit. Real. Fantasy. Worry. Worry. Worry. That's me. One of my top of the pops worry though, is that we (we being me and my Lovely Bride) are messing up our Boy(s.) I read somewhere, that having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. Amen to that, which is how I felt over our holiday break when Ethan would get so pissed off at Wyatt that he'd hit him in the head with a hot wheel car, or some other bad behavior. Or when Wyatt got so out of hand that we had to actually leave Church. I thought, damn Stu, what are we doing to these Boy(s)...we suck. Call CPS.

This sort of defeatist thought would generally well up after a particularly long day with the Boy(s). The next day, things would look brighter, until Wyatt went ape shit because we didn't understand that he wanted to watch Toy Story 2 on DVD vs. Toy Trains on VHS. Or Ethan had an absolute break-down because his Mom straightened up his room and changed the sheets on his bed.

Then, one day, an old bird dies. The bird belonged to one of Cart's oldest and dearest friends, who's daughter is E's best gal pal. There was a play date set for that afternoon at Planet Pizza or Pizza Planet (I can never get that is in Toy Story, the other in Plano) and Cart's friend called to tell Cart about the bird, and to let her know in case her daughter mentioned it, so she'd be prepared, etc. Cart went on to tell Ethan about the death of the bird so he'd be prepared if his friend talked about it. He knew the bird, having seen it on many visits at their home. I think he was actually sort of freaked out by the bird, but, my point, Cart told him about the bird that one time.

Fast forward an hour or so, and everyone has rolled up to Planet Pizza/Pizza Planet. Upon seeing his friend, Ethan walked over to her, and said, "Auburn, (which is actually Autumn, but he has, and probably always will, call her Auburn) I'm sorry your bird died." He then gave her a hug. Autumn, who turned 4 in October hugged back, and then replied, "Thank you Ethan. That makes me feel better."

It made me feel better least until he took another toy car and whacked his brother in the head again.

Until I BLOG again...Did you hit your brother???

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