Monday, January 15, 2007

All right stop collaborate and listen

When the weather outside is frightful, the Boy(s) like nothing better than to hunker down with a mug of hot chocolate. The only problem is they don't really like it all that hot, so making hot chocolate is harder than you might think. In fact, if you don't perfectly time getting the kettle off the stove, you have to add ice to their drink.

Actually, you always have to add ice to The Little Warrior's mug. Anything more than tepid and he loses it. I've tried to reason with the Boy, telling him, "Wy Wy, you wanted hot chocolate. If I add ice, you're drinking chocolate milk." Unfortunately logic is lost on Wy, who at three, can be quite unreasonable. In fact, if I'm not careful my argument can push him into a full-on Sarah Heartburn* which I always fear will cause him to spill his mug of hot chocolate on the sofa, or rug.

The Elder Boy is another story, he's like Goldilocks.

The other morning, I had just delivered E a mug of hot chocolate. Since I was multi-tasking, I had screwed up my timing on the kettle. It was hot. So hot that I had to eventually grab three pieces of ice from the ice maker in our refrigerator's freezer compartment to get the Boy's mug just right. After a quick taste test, I placed his mug on the rug which is where he sat, next to his Mom, watching Perils of Penelope Pitstop. They both really dig that cartoon.

I left them to their Penelope bonding and went back to the front room and got on the computer. Typing an email I heard the following exchange, which, well, it is quintessential Boy #1.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"


"Why do they call them ice cubes...? They aren't square?"

Until I BLOG again... Ice is back with my brand new invention

*Sarah Heartburn is a code name for the child version of My Lovely Bride who was infamous for throwing herself onto the ground and flailing around when something did not go her way.

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