Wednesday, June 16, 2004

There Should Be Sad Music Redux

The other night we had the TV stationed on Disney which was playing Air Bud: Strikes Back. There is a whole series of these Air Bud flicks. They all revolve around Bud, the dog star, who excels at some sport, in this one, volleyball, while thwarting something or another, this time jewel thieves. Sound bad? It is? Very bad. But that's not my point. The Elder Boy, Ethan, was some what amused by the movie, mainly because of Bud. The dog does have talent, I'll give him that. Anyway the point...As the movie advanced, Ethan started saying "My dog." I just minded my own business for the first few times, until he said it again, and I asked "Who's your Dog." He replied "Buddy" (this is what the family calls Air Bud.) I agreed with him that Air Bud...Buddy had a lot of personality, real talent in volleyball (Ethan called it basketball) would make a good dog, and went back to watching the movie which had taken a turn for the better. Gabrielle Reece had a cameo, and well, she's pretty hot if you don't mind me typing so in this here, family BLOG. Boy #1 quickly smote my lecherous thoughts with: "Sophie good dog." Now for those that have read this here BLOG, you'll remember that our Dog Dog...Sophie was put to sleep in early May. Ethan hasn't really said that much about her lately - until now. Caught off guard, swallowing a lump in my throat - I just nodded in agreement to which he added "Sophie happy." I thought that a curious thing to say, until I gave it a bit of thought. I imagine he has heard me or his Mom tell someone about putting Sophie to sleep, that she was old, not doing great, and that she was better off, maybe happier in the Dog Dog heaven sense - if there is such a place. I'm not sure on that. I hope Ethan is right - that Dog Dog is happy whether in Dog Dog heaven - or more importantly in our our hearts when we remember her.

Ethan didn't give me a lot of time to be sad about Sophie. He smacked me back to now. In his wonderful two year old mind - Air Bud led to Sophie, and Sophie quickly led to the last standing member of our Pet Family - the infamous Suki. Ethan did his usual "Get Suki" request. I found her minding her own business in our bathroom, and commandeered the cat for the Boy, who spent the rest of the movie loving the shit out of that poor fat cat.

Until I BLOG again...Watch Air Bud!

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