Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Great Big Book Of Everything

Becoming a parent is world shattering - heard to explain all the things that change, good, bad, and in between. Most of the time you are so busy with the day to dayness of it all that you don't even consider the changes. There are times though, when something will happen, a thought, an action, an event that hits the pause button, and you stop and think - wow - how did I get here?

I had one of those moments today at 6:30am. I was drinking coffee and watching Stanley. Cue the laugh track - BY MYSELF. Yes, Boy #1 was still night night, Boy #2 too, as was my Lovely Bride...and I was up, and watching Playhouse Disney by myself, and by choice. Not that it is such a bad thing, as I learned how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile on Stanley.

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