Thursday, June 03, 2004

Like Henry...

One of my big things in life - is to always do what I say - Walk the talk. I'm obsessive about being myself in most every situation. So much so, that if I'm going to say the F Bomb (if you read the BLOG, you'll know that I'm trying to quit cursing because of the Boy(s)), I'll just as soon say it in front of the guys as I would in front of my grandma. I'm a lot like Popeye (the Cartoon Character, not the Circus Freak), I am, what I am.

What's my point.

The other day I was asked how I could put such personal things in a BLOG that can be read by pretty much anyone. Friends, family, and complete strangers. Popeye people.

Which leads us to another BLOG in the "I can't believe he is writing this" category.

The Elder Boy is in the infancy stage of Potty Training. He uses the Big Boy Potty once a day, before he takes his bath at night. I mainly get him to do this so he doesn't pee in the bath tub. He LOVES (I've read that most kids do like to do this - at least I hope that is the case!!!!) to drink the bathwater. I can handle giving him a bath in a tub full of water with a little piss. Hell I dribble urine on myself after going to the bathroom, and my knee (insert laugh track) hasn't fallen off yet. What I can't handle is him drinking his own piss. That gets me. So, most nights, I strip him down, and then take off his diaper and tell him to use his "Big Boy Potty" - he does - and then says "Like Henry."

Henry is the character in his Potty Training propaganda book. Aside from the urinating at night - he's pretty much not that interested in using his potty. He is however, interested in the concept and has the curious habit of wanting to "see poo poo." So, imagine yourself at Casa Tinsley. Ethan has just had a bowel movement (generally once a day for those playing along at home) and it is time to change it. I tell him to 'assume the position' which means lie down so I can get to business. He often doesn't want the diaper changed - not because he likes to sit in his own crap, because he doesn't want to slow down, stop whatever it is he was doing. He will often grab the diaper, and run a few feet and throw it in anger. "Assume the position Please..." I usually get him to do it after the second or third request. Usually on the floor. Sometimes on the sofa. And, from time to time on the coffee table in the front room (which he thinks is fun.) About half way through the changing - he starts asking to "see poo poo, see poo poo please." While asking he starts doing a sit up/crunch thing so he can try and see it himself. This doesn't make diapering him easy, so I tell him to sit back and I'll show him when we're done. Done. I then open up the old diaper and show him the 'poo-poo.' His comment is usually, "Yukky." Then he's off to do whatever it was he was doing.

Lately, when I go to the bathroom, he wants to come into the room with me. Like many men, I have little space in my own home, and one of my few sanctuaries, sad, but true, is the crapper. I like to go in and read, be by myself, etc. Stu time. Sad, but true as I said. Since Ethan has mastered the door knob, I can't go into the bathroom without him coming in with me. I've tried locking it a few times, but prefer him being in there with me (he usually wants to brush his teeth while I'm shitting) vs. his pounding on the locked door, wailing for me. After a few minutes, he hops down off of his potty (which is also a stool - so he can be tall enough to brush his teeth) and runs over to me and gets disturbingly close to my nether region, leaning over and trying to peer thru my scrotum, legs asks: "see Daddy's poo poo, see Daddy's poo poo please." So, I spread my legs, hold up my nuts, and let him see my poo poo.

I don't know if this is normal toddler behavior, or if I'm scarring my Elder Boy by letting him do this...My gut tells me, that No, this isn't bad - that being honest and open, will teach him that body parts, and functions are a normal part of life, nothing to be afraid or ashamed of...etc.

Then again, (Pun warning...Pun warning...) I may be shitting myself.

Until I BLOG again...Wash Your Hands.

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