Monday, October 25, 2004

Lionel Richie is full of Shit!

Easy, like Sunday morning? Our weekend was not ever close! For those keeping score at home, Team Tinsley had a crappy weekend. Figuratively. Literally. As I BLOGGED last time my Lovely Bride did not have the Taiwan Flu which she can catch from (D)runco. She had some sort of bug. I slept on sofa city Thursday night in an effort to not get infected. Didn't work. I got it too. Real hard. I had fever. Everyone else had diarrhea. Having the shits is bad enough for most anyone, add Boy(s) and diapers, and well its not real fun. But (knock on wood, pray, sacrifice a goat!) the Boy(s) seem to only have that affliction and not the fever, for that, my glass is half full. Enough of my pity party. Let's get to the good stuff. Funny - not necessarily like on TV - more in the when it rains it pours vein - thankfully I'm (read: You) reading about it, and its not happening to me.

Suki (our cat) is bulimic. She often comes inside in the AM, runs over to her food bowl, meows incessantly about the level of food (it can be full, and she'll still complain,) then gorges herself. After that she'll go get some water, and then hits the food bowl again (repeating the above, crying, etc.) and eats even more. Then, about 50% of the time, she'll start making her funky, "Oh shit, I'm going to puke" meow - and then, she pukes. Usually in the hall. Business as usual at Team Tinsley. I grab some Brawny and clean up the puke, curse Suki, who gives me an insolent look and goes back outside.

Coincidentally this past Friday AM, as Carter leaves the front of the house, the Little Warrior decides he wants his Mommy. He starts his head down robot crawl after her. Only trouble is, there is a huge mound of Suki puke between him and his Mommy. You can see where this is going Dear Reader, the Little Warrior blazed on through the puke, loses his traction, and, falls into it. Nice. Frustrated by his spin-out, he flails around a bit more, before being rescued by his Mommy. Friday morning fun.

Saturday. I'm zombie fever boy. Laying in bed. The Little Warrior starts stirring at 6am. This is normal behavior for him. We should get him a paper route he wakes up so early. Point. We let him play in his crib until he becomes bored, and annouces (by crying) that he's ready to get out of his bed. In my feverish haze, I reckon he played for another 30 minutes or so, before my Lovely Bride answered his call...problem was he has the shits...and shit everywhere. Complete diaper failure. Not knowing any better, he rolled around, played, painted, etc. in said shit for 30 minutes. Good morning sunshine.

We all seem to be doing better in time for the work-week of course. Which is good. I'd hate for the Boy(s) to get the funk and be sick over Halloween.

Until I BLOG again...Boo.

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