Thursday, February 16, 2006

Man In The Mirror

I guess Michael Jackson was pretty damn serious about that whole I'm going to start with the man in the mirror thing. Me too. Not in the going to have my nose removed from my face way. I'm talking about the changing on the inside sort of way. Reflection.

You see, two things happened recently. I got in a fight with my Lovely Bride (even though it might sound like it in this here BLOG, it ain't all sunshine, lollipops and Care Bears skipping through Casa Tinsley) that was based on our two, drastically different perceptions on how I've been acting. It freaked me out, to be honest. Am I crazy, or is she. Probably me. I was asking myself that, when my Monkey Brain ran up the Johari Window tree. You see, I had received an email from a colleague asking me to do a Johari Window for him. The JW is a model for mapping personality awareness. You describe yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then ask your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list. Then a grid of overlap and difference can be built up. Man in the mirror.

So, if you are game, and have the time to waste, and know me (that would probably help) go here, and pick the five or six words from the list (make sure that the box changes color so you know it is selected) that you think describe me the best. When you are done, go down and put your name in the little field thingy and click the button and bam. Done. You can even do you very own Johari Window. It is free.

Until I BLOG again...If you wanna make the world a better place.

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