Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jesus of Suburbia

The Elder Boy has been telling people he can walk on water. Seriously. It is especially funny (to me at least) when he tells people from (or at) church that he walks on water. The strange, often uncomfortable look people give him. Classic.

He can walk on water though. I've seen him do it. If you went swimming with the Team, you would too. You see, Dear Reader, what he means when he says he can walk on water is that he is now tall enough to walk in the shallow end of most swimming pools. He can walk in the water.

Funny, how using on instead of in changes the connotation of his statement. The implication. You see, Dear Reader, me and my Lovely Bride have to sit the Boy(s) down this week and talk about cancer. How do you explain cancer to young children? Hair loss from chemotherapy? Uncertainty in treatment? Prognosis? Walking on water sounds pretty damn good if you ask me.

Until I BLOG again...FUCK cancer.

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