Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sunday's on the phone to Monday

We have the Little Warrior in Like Henry mode. He is taking those first tentative steps toward being potty trained.

Being a second child, I figured he'd be easy to potty train. I thought seeing his big brother pee, and poop would show him the way. That the peer pressure from his brother would make him want to be a big boy, and not poop in his pants. In fact, the Younger Boy was doing something the Elder Boy never did, going off to be by himself when he would crap in his diaper. I thought we were ready, steady, go.

I like to start potty training with trying to master number 1. Urination. That's how we did the Elder Boy. In fact, I figured I'd employ the same method I did with Ethan, and let Wy Wy pee in our backyard at first. This horrifies many of My Lovely Brides friends, but trust me, it works. Not only does the Boy think it is fun to pee out of doors, you also don't have any issues with their bad aim and the subsequent clean-up. Added bonus, we're in the midst of a drought in the Messoplex, so I figured we're helping the lawn. And, to be completely honest, I often pee in the backyard myself. Even when we're not having a drought.

So, there we were this past weekend, in the backyard, trying to pee. Wy Wy was a natural. He quickly mastered the art of peeing in the yard. When he would finish, he'd yell (my poor neighbors), "I did it! I pee peed like a big boy!" He'd then run into the house to find his Mom and tell her the good news. Other times, he'd pee, and then want to immediately pee again. I tried to explain that it didn't work that way. That just made him mad, and he'd huff back into the house and watch more Dora.

After a few hours of this, Wy announced that he needed to go poop. Outside. Excuse me? I tried to explain that peeing outside was ok, sort of, but pooping outside, well, that was not. Trying to seize the moment, I took Wy to the bathroom and tried to get him to poop on the potty. He wanted none of that. He sat there for a minute or so, then started to complain violently, asking, then pleading for a diaper. Not wanting to scar him (any worse than we already are!) I suited the Boy up in a diaper and he promptly went into his room, and then into his dark closet and took a shit. Potty training doesn't happen overnight.

Sunday morning coming down, we did the same thing as Saturday. We had numerous successful number 1 trips to the backyard, followed by the requisite celebrating. We also had the same set-back when it came time to poop. Still, after only one weekend, I felt good. I thought we were ahead of the game when compared where Ethan was at the same age, and right on track with Wy Wy's potty training.

As usual, I was wrong.

You see Dear Reader, sitting at work on Monday Monday my cell phone rang. I picked it up and noted that it was My Lovely Bride, who was calling very early in the day? Figuring something was up, I answered by asking that question, "What's up?" I said.

"Wyatt shit in the garage." My Lovely Bride replied.
"Excuse me."
"Wyatt. Shit in the garage. He said that he had to pee pee and the next thing I know he was in the..."

I'm sorry to say at that point Dear Reader, I quit listening to My Lovely Bride. I was to busy, I'm afraid to say, laughing. Father of the year. That's me.

Until I BLOG again...Tuesday's on the phone to me.

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