Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little Saint Nick

Earlier this week, after a not-so-fun day at work, I drug my weary ass into Casa Tinsley and did the usual status update thing with My Lovely Bride as I stowed all my shit. At some point the Little Warrior tore ass into the room to tell me about his fun filled school's out for summer (for him at least) day. A day that included swimming and some hot tub action at his Mimi and Papa's pad. Somewhere in the middle of his story, he stopped, and with a serious look said, "Dad."

"Yeah, Bub?" I replied.

"You need to get a hot tub." he said.

"I know. I'd love a hot tub like Papa's...but they are expensive." I explained.

Sweet Mother of all that is good. Where was the camera? It was a Kodak moment if ever there were. The Boy looked at me in stunned silence as if I were daft. Or nuts.

Finally Wy said, "Dad."

"Yeah, Bub?" I replied.

"Just ask Santa." he said.

Laughing I said, "Ok Wy. I'll do it. That's a good idea."

"I know." he said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"You're welcome." he said.

And then, as an afterthought and right before he tore ass out of the room he said, "Just put it on your list. Ok Dad?"

Until I BLOG again...Christmas comes this time each year.

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