Monday, February 09, 2004

Monday Monday. Trying to slip into the work week, never an easy proposition. Worked late on Friday night shooting Cantoni TV Spot in the store (B Roll Footage as they say.) Sounds mildly exciting. Boring. Cart got the Boy(s) out to the Mall for a little diversion. Maiden voyage of the new Double Stroller. I think the Double Stroller (DS going forward) truly makes us Breeders. It is a gargantuan (barely fits in the Honda Accords Trunk - yet another reason to get a Mini-Van) device. We now have 2 proper strollers, one cheapo umbrella stroller, and one jogging stroller. Then we have a kid friendly red wagon (holds two kids - you can strap them in - proper seats, the works,) and a Push Car thingy that can replace a stroller. Last time I counted we had 2 Boys. Yet we have 6 strolling type devices - and Carter wants to get a double stroller. We need another garage for all of these things.

In other news...I lost my shit this weekeend trying to fix Mimi's Computer (Mimi being my Mother-In-Law.) I was trying that which cannot be fixed - I literally worked w/ three seperate tech people on the phone (her email isn't working properly if you care) and exausted all threes resources. Houston, we have a problem. Indeed when the tech person tells you - I don't know what you should do, I'm baffled? So after spending a lot of time trying to fix it - with a crying baby in the background (Boy #2) and a crazed toddler (Boy #1), I go to MY computer and its dead in the water. HULK time. I lose it. Reach around to see if it is unplugged (it is) = so plug it in - and then discover that a protective plate on the back of the mac is lose, try to fix it, only for it to come off because its broke. HULK time x2 as I hurl the plastic piece into the dining room wall. Now I have a bitter reminder (an inch gash in the wall) of my fun computer repair weekend. All I can say is - Bad Stubie - BAD! For those playing along at home - stick a pin in your Stubie doll. What a dink. PATIENCE. I need more. MORE!

Until next time.

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