Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Am I too late

I called my Dad a week ago today. Intuition? I had a feeling, that if the Boy(s) were going to see their Granny before she died, we should move up our trip to see her. After speaking to Dad, and learning my gut was right, we made arrangements to come down to see Mom on Saturday, October 14. To make things easier, for the Boy(s), and Mom, we decided to stay in a hotel.

We arrived at her home at 3pm. We only stayed until 5pm. 2 hours. That wrecked my Mom. All the strength she had left, she expended for that visit. I thought, maybe the Boy(s) would be able to come over the next morning, or that night, but that was not to be.

During our time together on Saturday, my Mom was lucid with the Boy(s). She was able to interact with them. The Elder Boy was hesistant, bless his heart, based on her diminished appearance. No hair. Loss of weight. Absolutely ravaged by the fucking cancer. For him to see that. Fuck me. It was horrible.

This here BLOG entry, isn't about E though. I love him. My first born. More than I can ever type. Him and his Granny had a special bond. I hope he'll always remember that, and her. Today's entry is about The Little Warrior. What he did on the visit. I'll never forget his moment. It was magical.

Wy is 2 1/2, still young enough to be protected from the harsh realities of life. He wasn't aware that his Granny was dying. That it was probably going to be the last time he'd see her alive. He also wasn't bothered by her appearance, or the oxygen machine she was hooked up to that helped her breathe. He didn't care that she was in a hospital bed in the middle of the living room. Not Wy. Our Little Warrior. He walked right up to that bed, and pulled himself up, and then crawled toward his Granny, who smiling, leaned forward to meet him, as he said, I shit you not, I love you.

Our Little Warrior. My sweet Wy Wy, has told me he loves me, a handful of times. He usually will say I like you instead. I find that funny. My point, I love you isn't something the Younger Boy says often. In fact, I don't think that he'd ever said it to his Granny, unprompted at least. Why, on that day, at that time, the last he'd ever see his Granny, Wy said that? I don't know. All I can tell you is this: it was beautiful.

Until I BLOG again...Never thought that you'd stop bein' 'round.

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