Thursday, March 11, 2004

Holy Crap: A Story.

Boy #1 poo story relayed by Carter. Boy #1 is getting at that age where its time to start thinking about potty training. He mimics me when I urinate. Reads kiddy books that are basically potty training propaganda, etc. Anyway - the story. Carter leaves E in the Main Bathroom to go into our Bathroom to do her hair. She's gone a few minutes when she hears Wyatt (Boy #2) crying in his room. She goes to check on Wyatt and as she is walking by the main bathroom she hears Boy #1 going 'clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up' which is his mantra when he is cleaning something up...pretty straight forward. So, Cart takes the detour to see what needs cleaning. Poop. Boy #1 armed with a wash cloth is smearing his fecal matter on this kiddie chair that is in the main bathroom, trying to get it clean. He's also got all down his legs, and on the floor and has of course stepped all in it. Fun. Not sure if he took his diaper off and tried to crap on the chair, and or if his diaper came askew and he just shit out the side? No light stoumach aloud in Mommyville, Cart swoops in and cleans up the boy and the mess. The best part of the story for me is this: When she asked Ethan if he wanted a bath to get clean. He said. No. He was fine with a quasi bath with wet wipes. What did people ever do before wet wipes? Blog Bye Bam.

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