Wednesday, March 31, 2004

More Pee, Please...

Dateline: March 30, 2004. Richardson, Texas. Ethan Tinsley urinated in the big boy potty prior to his bath tonight! Mommy and Daddy were much pleased. Fast forward to the morning of March 31, and Ethan again, went Number 1 in the big boy potty! TWO TIMES. Incredible. He even did it standing up (which Dr. Morchower advised against) and it appears that his aim is better than mine (cue laugh track.)

We've thought he has been ready for some entry level potty training for some time. Cart ponied up and got him the big boy potty a week or so ago. We've been using it mainly as a stool thus far. Monday Monday bath duty, I put E in the tub and he promptly urinated in the water. This was no accident people. So, last night, I thought, hmmm, perhaps I should see if he wants to pee in the potty before getting into the tub....and of course, as you've read, he chose peeing in the big potty over the bathtub which is a good thing (otherwise I should just bathe him in the toilet, and save on my water bill.) The funny thing, after he peed (both times) he wanted to be able to do it more - and he kept hopping around - straining to urinate - saying, "More pee, please."

Other Team Tinsley news...Posted Team Tinsley March 2004 Pictures on Shutterfly last week. Perchance a BLOG visitor missed that email, go to the link and you can check them out, real hard.

Until I BLOG again.

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