Sunday, April 25, 2004

Beat It

April 25 is, for me, the unofficial anniversary of Team Tinsley. Sure, July 30 is the higher profile anniversary. It is the day that Carter and I were married. Then you have the Boy(s) birthdays (January 17 and December 28 for those playing along at home.) But, for me, April 25, 2001 is just as important - It has a special place in my heart. It is the day, when Team Tinsley began.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

As I mentioned, Carter and I were married on July 30, 1994. Being planners by nature (read: uptight) we had always been in agreement that we would wait a few years until we started our family (read: Team Tinsley.) She was completing her eduction to become a teacher. I was slaving away at BusyBody. We both felt when the time was right, we'd know and then we'd start having kids.

So, fast forward five or so years, everyone in Prince mode, partying like it is, because it was, 1999. The time was right. We promptly quit copulating and started propagating. Time to start the family. Kids. Hey Ho, let's go.

Only problem - Nothing happened.

Well, something happened, but not pregnancy.

So we kept at it. And at it. At it. At it. At it. At it. At it, so on, and so forth. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. Nothing. After trying for some time, It became evident that we had wasted a lot of $cratch on birth control over the years (insert laugh track.) Seriously, it hit us that we were having issues and it was time go to the Doctor(s).

Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans.

I won't bore you (today) with the many details of our quest to reproduce. It was long, hard, expensive, sad, and at times, funny. We made progress, had set backs, progress, etc. until we arrive at the date, April 25. Three years in the rearview.

On this day I beat it (read: masturbated) with the end result being ejaculation into a 'medical' cup. I had to then put that cup in my shirt (to keep it warm), and drive to Dr. Bush's office. Dr. Bush is a urologist who specializes in male infertility. Ironic name, isn't it. I dropped off my, um, essence. They did their magic (they spin it or something.) Carter picked it up at 10am and drove (along w/ the cup of spunk in her clothes to keep it warm) to Dr. Cohen's office (he a female infertility doctor) where she had an IUI. Wham bam, Thank you Mam. Not that romantic, but you know got the job done because we had conception.

In fact, Ethan Gentry Tinsley, Boy #1, lived up to his Tinsley-ness (read: uptight) and came into the world 40 weeks to the day of the IUI. Punctuality, it is, so important.

So, Dear Reader. Now you know why April 25 is important to me.

April 25, is without a doubt, the day my Lovely Bride became pregnant with our first child. Ethan a.k.a. Boy #1 (chronological distinction only.) It certainly wasn't a traditional impregnation, but then again, how many people know exactly when conception happened?

For those wondering about our newest member, Wyatt Carter Tinsley a.k.a. Boy #2. The Little Warrior was conceived the old fashion way - by accident. Kidding. But, it is another story. Another time, another place.

Until I BLOG again...Peace.

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