Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The future is now...

We purchased a DVD player. Actually a combination DVD/VCR player. For those who read the Brother Bear = Tootsie post, you know of my struggle re: the purchase of a DVD player and my stance against the man (read: Blockbuster Video). Rebel yell people, I'm getting the last middle finger in the air to Blockbuster (or as I say, Cockbuster), after buying a DVD player, Team Tinsley promptly joined Netflix. No more rental $cratch from me to them! Bring on the DVDs! For those who rent a lot of DVDs - check out Netflix, it rocks the roll.

The Elder Boy, as described in other posts, is becoming very vocal. As my Lovely Bride recently said, 'it is like someone flipped a switch', his motor skills, and vocabulary have fast forwarded. She is spot on, and it is wild to witness. I can't tell you how nice is it to be able to communicate verbally vs. trying to do the toddler charade thing which can be trying for parent(s) and child. I'm no Dr. Spock (the baby expert, not the Vulcan), but I think when the kiddos can start telling you what they want vs. having to mime, do charades, etc. life becomes quite a bit easier on everyone. We still have meltdowns (emphasis on WE) from time to time, but for the most part, better communication make it easier for everyone around Casa Tinsley.

One of Ethan's new words is rewind. Up until we purchased the new DVD/VCR we had an old, crappy, VCR player. Ethan had shoved all kinds of shit into it. Coins, food, sticks, the list goes on and on. The end result was that the VCR didn't work very well. It took forever to rewind or forward. Had tracking problems with many of the Elder Boys favorite movies. It really did suck. So, out comes the new DVD/VHS player. I reconfigured the TV area so the player is above the Elder Boys reach. Ready, steady, GO. Our first DVD was The Cat In The Hat from from Netflix.

After the first viewing, as normal, Ethan was in the NOW, and wanted to 'watch it again please.' He has no patience (the Tinsley curse) and in the old days became quite upset when the end credits rolled. Now that he has command of 'rewind' - he will say , 'watch movie again please', followed by 'rewind' - As described before the old VCR was slow to rewind, and even though he had command of the language, understood that it was rewinding, the evil green monster of impatience would often rear its head because the VCR was SLOW!

No more. Technology, has solved (some could argue it created it in the first place, but that is a deeper point than this here BLOG post can tackle this Tuesday AM) the issue because as you probably know, you don't really have to rewind a DVD. Simply enter the scene number and hit enter and BAM - you are there, I'm talking right now, this minute.

The look on Ethan's face was priceless. 'The future is now Boy' (that's what I told him) - and his reply: 'Yeah!'

As for The Cat In The Hat, I thought it was pretty bad. But, Ethan gives it two thumbs way up, he loves the part where Thing 1 and Thing 2 are introduced. He has quickly embraced our new technology, and after that particular part is over, he will say 'AGAIN.' I hit 10 (that's the scene number for those playing along at home) and enter and bam...Again, NOW. I'm the freaking George Jetson of Richardson, Texas.

Until I BLOG again...Screw Blockbuster!

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