Monday, May 03, 2004


I'm a pretty affectionate Dad. I have no qualms hugging and kissing my Boy(s), because they are in fact Boy(s). On the downhill side of 36, I still kiss my Pop, when saying Hello and Goodbye. Always have, always will. I've never been a macho kind of a man's man in that sense. In fact, humorous side story. When Carter first met me, the very first time. She thought I was funny. I'm talking in the Slingblade'' sense of funny.

He's funny, you know. Not funny "Ha-Ha", funny queer. He likes to go with men instead of women. That makes him not able to fight too good. He sure is nice, though. He's from St. Louis, people who are queer get along better in a big town. I wish he liked to go with women, I'd rather he be Mama's boyfriend than Doyle.

To steal another popular culture line, "not that anything is wrong with it." I'm all about lighting your own fire in that sense. Do what you got to do...just do it nicely, without harming others, etc. Ok my point. I'm affectionate, huggy and kissy with the Boy(s). So, the other night, it is night night time for Boy #1. We're are in the big bed that is in his room (he still sleeps in his crib which is on the other side of the room.) Reading books. Nightly ritual for us. Start in the big bed, and after reading books, I put him in the crib, etc. We had finished the first two or three books sitting next to each other. When he said, "Lay down Daddy." I did, and he cuddled up to me for the down home stretch of read books. As he snuggled up to me, I kissed and hugged him tightly and said, "You are my Boy." He replied, "Yes." I then told him, "I love you with all my heart." He said, "Thanks."

I don't know why I find that so funny, but I do. He says thanks quite a bit now.
If you give him juice, milk, a toy, and even if you say I love you, you get Thanks in return.

Until I BLOG again...coo-coo-cachoo.

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