Thursday, July 08, 2004

Got Milk?

Last night, Boy(s) both down for the night - Carter was trying to get the remote control to the cable box to work. Wouldn't. Boy #1 is hell on the remote controls. The current one, that wasn't working, is missing a red piece on top. This allows you to look inside the remote. The back battery cover has been abused so often that I took shipping tape and sealed it so we wouldn't have to go scurrying after Ax3 batteries every time it was hurled on our tile floors. My point is that it is not that uncommon for our remote to not work properly for the above reasons. So, we didn't think that much about it not working. Did the normal, bang it against a hard object, trying to fix it, trick...when a white liquid started oozing out of it? What the was like Ash in Alien if you dig that reference. Strange. Then it dawned on us, The Elder Boy, in a bit of unsupervised merriment must have poured his milk into the top half that is open. Ethan 1. Remote 0.

This morning I asked him if he had, in fact, poured milk into the remote control. He looked at me, and gave me, what I'm sure is the first of many, shit eating grins, that clearly incriminated him in the deed. I then asked him...Why he had done it, only to be reminded by my lovely Bride, he's two, why doesn't figure into it.


Until I BLOG again, rent Alien.

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