Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sick Of Myself

Omphaloskepsis. Better known as navel gazing. That's what I've been doing lately. Looking back over 263 entries on this here BLOG. Getting ready for that final post (I do have my final song selected for anyone out there that gives a shit.) But back to now, I'm sick of myself, quite literally, after reading so many Team Tinsley posts. Some are good. Many bad. Some funny. Others sad.

It's a copious amount of Team Tinsley. That is for sure. And in my efforts to make some sense of it all, I've compiled a Top of the Pops type of list (chronologically by year of course) with some of my favorite posts. I've even went as far as to note why they are my favorite posts (again, for anyone that gives a shit.)

Here's the 2004 list. The year the BLOG started. It's odd to read some of these posts, stylistically. They have a very dear diary sort of a vibe. Still, you can see the start of what was to become (as well as my proclivity for certain goofy sayings and cursing.) Navel gazing indeed.


Holy Crap: Once, Twice, Three Times A Turd
March 17, 2004
Beware the ides of March, indeed, in this early, kid shits, hilarity ensues kind of a story.

Beat It
April 25, 2004
Honesty came earlier on this here BLOG in this here entry about how I quite literally beat it, which is why I know the exact day of the Elder Boy's conception and the beginning of what was to become Team Tinsley.

The Revenge of Matt Pogue
May 14, 2004
My first foray into my back story while talking about a sad event that was happening in what was then, now. Oddly enough this entry is one of the top ones to bring people to the Team Tinsley BLOG via search engines.

Stop that noise
June 11, 2004
A short entry that illustrates the raison d'ĂȘtre of this here BLOG, telling the story of a simple moment that I would without a doubt, forget, if not captured here. It is also one of the first times I use dialogue in a post (for those keeping score at home.)

Lionel Richie is full of shit
October 25, 2004
Best early BLOG title (before I started using song titles or lyrics) EVER.

They say it's your birthday
November 05, 2004
The story of how I met the women who would become My Lovely Bride, and how she thought I was funny (read gay.)

November 17, 2004
The simple story of my first movie with the Elder Boy and how amazed I was by how fast it was all going. Fast forward five years into what was then the future, but is now, now, and all I can say is this: amen.

This is it
December 26, 2004
An entry dealing with my feelings on corporal punishment. Which is something I still struggle with as well as my thoughts on the end of the first year of the Team Tinsley BlOG. The best part of the post is the great quote from William Martin's, The Parents Tao Te Ching. These would be apt final words for that final entry.

My words are over.
I wrote them for myself,
that I might hear them often enough
to begin to understand them.
And as I begin to understand them,
may I begin to live them.
If looking over my shoulder
has brought you some pleasure,
I am content.

Until I BLOG again...You don't know how you move me, Deconstruct me, And consume me.

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